The main purpose of car insurance is to repair or compensate for accidental damage to third-party vehicles and the insured vehicle .
The main coverage consists of insuring damages caused to third parties in the use of the vehicle ( civil liability of the automobile ). In Spain, every owner of motor vehicles is obliged to take out insurance for each vehicle he owns.
When contracting the compulsory insurance of civil responsibility, in the same policy, the coverages that are freely agreed between the policyholder and the insurance entity may be included.
The most common complementary coverages are:
- Complementary civil liability.
- Own damages and fire.
- Theft of the insured vehicle.
- Breakage of windscreen and vehicle windows.
- Personal Accidents for occupants of the insured vehicle.
- Travel Assistance.
- Benefit for deprivation of driving license.
- Replacement of the insured vehicle.
What is an auto insurance for?
The Consortium auto insurance helps you protect your vehicle, as yourself and your passengers - against collisions, theft, damage and other services - as well as third parties affected in an accident.
Some reasons to have auto insurance:
Peace of mind when driving your car
There are events that when they occur, cause you a significant economic loss. For this reason, having insurance for your car will help you to manage quietly since, for example, it can offer you support in case of:
- Theft of your vehicle
- Damage to third parties.
- Damage to your vehicle.
- Injuries to passengers.
An auto insurance is a mechanism by which the risks related to the use of your vehicle are transferred from a natural or legal person to an insurance company. For example, payment to a third party in case of a crash.
An auto insurance can protect you, in Chile or abroad, from the following situations: material damages to your vehicle, damages caused to third parties, civil liability, theft (total or accessories), damages caused by malicious acts or natural phenomena among others depending on the type of insurance you hire.
A small monthly investment that would mean savings for your future
Insurance works on the basic principle of risk transfer. This means that it is reasonable to opt for the certainty of a small payment, against the possibility of a future loss or damage of great magnitude.
Save time and spend less in the event of an automobile accident
In case of accident, the consequences can range from a high repair cost of your vehicle, a great material damage to other vehicles and even injured people. With an auto insurance, the loss or damage can be compensated and your economic situation will not be affected.
In addition, by having auto insurance, you will save time, since you will have the certainty that you will receive assistance in case of breakdown or panne. The assistance includes: towing service, means of transportation, lodging, transportation, deposit and custody for your repaired and recovered vehicle, transportation of companions in case of injuries, location and shipment of spare parts, replacement car, assistance light mechanics, inspection of the vehicle during your holidays, professional driver by technical review and replacement and mileage maintenance. All these services and benefits may vary according to the contracted plan.
It protects you from theft
With an auto insurance your car will be protected against theft with total loss and even with theft of accessories of your car. Not because you are a good driver you will not need insurance for your car. No one is free to suffer the theft of your car and taking insurance will be protected against those expenses that otherwise would be very difficult to deal with.