

The importance of taking out Personal Accident insurance

 We know that the risk is everywhere and we have an insurance with which you will feel more protected , either because you like to go out on your bike, drive your car frequently or walk quietly through a park.

With the Personal Accident Insurance, we indemnify you or your beneficiaries in case of any disability or death due to an accidental situation.

You also have the possibility of hiring additional coverage that complements your peace of mind. If you are disabled, you receive an income for each day that you can not work or perform your daily activities normally. Additionally, we reimburse you for medical expenses incurred as a result of an accident and that your EPS or Health Insurance does not cover.

In some cases, suffering an accident determines that the injured person must face higher expenses for their recovery, as well as the inability to work for a specific time or permanently. The personal accident insurance offers an economic support that allows to face this type of contingencies in a better way.

What is personal accident insurance?

Among the most common benefits offered by insurers can be distinguished:

Medical coverage : those policies in which the insurer undertakes to indemnify the insured by covering medical expenses whose scope varies according to the contracted policy, which may include:

  • Total medical coverage, including hospitalization expenses and surgical interventions.
  • Provision of prosthesis, if necessary.
  • Psychological assistance
  • Coverage of the rehabilitation period necessary after the accident.
  • Ambulance services and transfers required.

In this type of insurance, the territorial scope of the coverage must be verified. For example, it is important that you know the degree of coverage in case of accident abroad.

Disability or disability: the insurer is obliged to pay compensation to the beneficiaries when the insured suffers an accident that determines their total or partial disability in a temporary or permanent manner. This type of compensation is usually paid in periodic payments, in the form of income, in order to compensate the flow of income for a while.

Physical losses: the injured person receives a monetary compensation in case of having lost some part of his body consigned in the policy, or total or partial decrease of some sense, such as sight or hearing.

What is a coverage for Personal Accidents?

It is an insurance for people and provides coverage in the event of an accident or death caused by an accident contemplated in the policy that has been contracted.

It can also cover other risks. Some examples are: disability by accident, burial coverage or medical assistance, if additional coverages are hired.

Who is this insurance for?

This insurance covers any person of legal age who does not present any reason that constitutes an aggravated accident risk.

There are also special modalities for athletes, people who work in a dependent relationship, monotributistas and self-employed.

Does it cover any profession equally?

Each profession or activity has its own risks. In order to provide effective coverage for each of them, insurers make use of different risk categories.

These categories range from those with the lowest risk, such as administrative activities, to those with the greatest risk, such as work at height.

That is why at the time of taking the policy you must specify the activity that develops the person to insure.

Should I hire personal accident insurance for my staff?

There are labor agreements that oblige employers to compensate their personnel in case of death or accident.


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